A green roof is made from live vegetation and a layer of suitable growing medium, which are then planted in a waterproof membrane on top of the roof surface. Where necessary, they can also include drainage fields as well as irrigation systems. Green roofs can be fabricated to just cover parts of a roof, or the entire roof surface. A Green roof can be anything from a simple layer of ground covering, or a complete roof top garden.
The 3 types of green roofing are based on the soil depth and the type of irrigation used as follows:
- EXTENSIVE GREEN ROOF: An extensive green roof is characterized by a soil depth of less than 6". This type of green roofing has low maintenance, and often does not require irrigation. Extensive green roofing is typically constructed with a system of interlocking trays, and weighs between 10 to 35 pounds per square foot. This is usually the lowest cost option for green roof construction.
- SEMI-INTENSIVE GREEN ROOF: A semi-intensive green roof is characterized by a soil depth between 4.5" to 7.5", and can weigh as much as 35 to 50 pounds per square foot. Due to the increased soil depth, the vegetation used in a semi-intensive green roof can include a greater variety of plant life, and may require an irrigation system.
- INTENSIVE GREEN ROOF: The intensive green roof is the most diverse, and most expensive of the green roof types. The soil depth of an intensive green roof is over 6" and can weigh anywhere from 35 to 300 pounds per square foot, and will always require an irrigation system.

- ENERGY SAVINGS: Green roofs are great at providing insulation against the elements. They inherently absorb heat during the summer months, and keeping the cold out in the winter both of which will reduce heating and cooling costs.
holding heat in during the winter months.
- IMPROVED AIR QUALITY: Green roofs help to reduce air pollution, especially in big city environments.
- URBAN GREENING: A green roof improves the aesthetic value of a building, and can often serve as multi-purpose space such as with a roof top garden, or an employee break area.

(click to view Jewel-OscoRelease.pdf)