Information about TPO PVC Roofing options.
TPO and PVC are both thermoplastic membrane roofing systems.
Thermo Plastic Olefin (TPO) is a thermoplastic membrane, which incorporates a reinforcement scrim layer between plies of the membrane. The top ply typically contains cool-roof pigments, and UV stabilizers. The bottom ply is composed of TPO filler components that weld the plies together. Properly installed TPO roofing systems can typically last anywhere from 25-30 years.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) a thermoplastic membrane that likewise uses a reinforcement scrim layer between plies of the membrane. Similar to TPO, a PVC roofing system uses cool-roof pigments and UV stabliizers in the top layer. The bottom ply is composed of PVC filler ingredients that weld the plies together. A properly installed PVC roof can also last between 25-30 years.
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